ARS VIVA Nechanice


Czech Republic




     Festiválek has got a distinetive feature – a joy of singing, meeting friends and contentment. And we won´t forget all these things even this year.

Festiválek is prepared in the term  25. - 26.05. 2024.

     We organize a round of concerts in our town and in other places of the region. The concerts will be held in the concert halls, church buildings, in the halls of the nearby castels.

     The repertoir of the concerned choirs isn´t limited.  But we reccomend to put a composition from an epoch of classicism on a programme, we will be glad ti listen to a compositon of a present composer, and we will be very pleased by folk songs from your region.

     Particulars will be explained in greater detail with the choirs on the bases of their expressed interest.


Please, accept our invitation for participation.


     We will feel honoured and it will be a great pleasure for us to meet you at the concerts of Festiválek 2024.


  Kateřina Sokolová  (chairmen of ARS VIVA)

Mgr. Petr Semerák (choirmaster)


Contact :    Mgr. Petr Semerák

                 Žižkova 107,  503 15  Nechanice, Czech Republic


                 Tel.:      +420 603 760 717  (mobil)

                 e-mail :









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